How to play Vengeful Spirit

This is a guide to competitive Vengeful. With "Competitive" I don't want to say that I'm a pro or something like that. I'm just an average DotA player who plays some "Serious" games with my clanmates or with random people. I actively played Vengeful for more-or-less a year and after that she became my favorite hero. Altough STR1D3R already did a great guide on her, I wanted to show my gameplay. In this guide I'll try to teach you the way I play her as support. If you want to see Desolator, S&Y, Butterfly, etc., then this isn't your guide.
Keep in mind that English isn't my native language, so feel free to point any mistake on the text.
Enjoy the Guide and keep on mind that is not a How-To-Do manual. You can mix this with your knowledge and experience, maybe that would be great.

I was thinking about not including this part on the Hero Discussion, but after two pubs, now I'm sure I should do it. When I go with some friends to play on LAN or Garena, I always find some self-named "Old-School players", who maxes Stun+Aura, solomids and levels Wave of Terror at lvls 21-25. Maybe someone can come and say that this is a very viable way to play Vengeful, but I don't like it. There are a few reasons why Vengeful ISN'T a carry:

Skill Build
Skill Build
1. Magic Missile
2. Wave of Terror
3. Magic Missile
4. Wave of Terror/Stats
5. Magic Missile
6. Nether Swap
7. Magic Missile
8. Wave of Terror/Command Aura
9. Wave of Terror/Command Aura
10. Command Aura
11. Nether Swap
12. Command Aura
13.Command Aura/Wave of Terror
14. Command Aura/Wave of Terror
15. Stats
16. Nether Swap
17-25. Stats

Item Build

Starting Basic Build:

Early Game Basic Build:

Early Game Options:

Mid Game Basic Build:

Mid Game Options:

Late Game Basic Build:

Late Game Options:

Some tips

  • Always try new things, don't take this as a rigid build
  • Ward a lot, if you don't know where to ward, check this or this guide
  • Always try to let your carry to farm or lasthit
  • Gank a lot
  • Use Wave to gain vision over key places like Roshan or enemy jungle
  • Swap is a decent initiation tool, use it and don't be afraid of dying for the team
  • NEVER IN YOUR LIFE AS SUPPORT steal a kill. Always let your carry the exp/gold.
  • Play as a team with your mates. Don't go to autist mode.
  • Command Aura is a good buff to your allied carry, try to stand near him so he gets the bonus from your aura
  • You can try this guide about supporting.

Actually I don't like to copypaste the information, because it only makes my guide longer, so I simply will redirect you to the Hero Page and the Hero Comments on the Forum:
Vengeful Spirit - DotA Hero Details
Vengeful Spirit - DotA Hero Comments

Hero Stats

Actually, her stats are kinda strange. She has a great base Agility (27) and a ridiculous low base Strenght (16). As the game goings on, things start to change because of her imba Strenght gain for a support (2.3) and her low Main-Attribute gain (2.35). Int is quite low for a hero who needs to spam her spells, but with a little of regeneration this can be solved.
Her base damage isn't regular (39-53) and this make lasthitting (in Vengeful this mean "denying") a little harder. The high missile speed and high starting Agility makes her able to do fast attacks when chasing or harassing at low levels. Her movespeed is below average (295) and her Attack Range is quite low (400), so we should care about our positioning, since we can't attack far and we can't move too much.

Magic Missile

This is your signature skill. An average stun with average numbers, but incredibly useful.
His damage is quite high, but his manacost scales in a really painful way for our low manapool. The stun increases by 0.1 second with each level, so difference between levels 1 and 4 is 0.3 seconds. The casting range, as you can see, is really small for a ranged stun, but is still higher than our Attack Range.
To be honest, I used to get just one level of Missile, but after some experiments now I have the sureness that leveling Magic Missile is more important than leveling Wave or Command Aura. However, maxing Wave is still viable.
Oh, I almost forgot this last thing:

Wave of Terror

This is actually one of the most versatile skills in DotA. The -armor is really useful during all the game and the vision given is really good. Even without the %dmg reduction, this is still a great skill.
About the scaling-balancing-thosefuckingnumbersformechfags, it has a constant manacost and cooldown, so you won't hurt your manapool if you decide to max this. The -armor increases by 1 per level, something very common. Remember that the damage was 25/50/75/100 magical damage, but was changed to direct HP removal to avoid Dagger-Regeneration cancelling. The strange numbers you see on the Hero Page are simply 25/50/75/100 after the Magical Reduction.
In low levels, you will use it mostly to obtain vision before ganking or when babysitting. The +dmg obtained from the -armor isn't as good as can be on late game, but can help you a lot (Even more with physical nukers like Bristleback or Axe).
In Mid-Late, your teammates will ask you to scout Roshan with Wave and the -armor work wonders with those DPS carries.
Always keep in mind the minor damage from Wave of Terror. With the damage and the huge range, you can net kills when your mates can't.

Command Aura

Actually, this is a very underrated skill. Traxex, Sniper or whoever will love the 36% bonus damage that this skill gives at level 4. In low levels it won't be helpful, so I think that you can avoid leveling it from levels 1 to 8. An exception is when you are REALLY underleveled and your carrys will need the Aura while you are in level 6-7. The skill scales perfect in Late Game, like almost all the percentage-based skills, so there isn't too much problem if you get only 2 or 3 levels of it before the game ends.

Vengeful's Role







Proper Carry:

Thanks to Averrios for this freaking awesome template

  • A carry should spend his laning phase farming. If you do this, you are wasting the roaming potential of Magic Missile
  • Nether Swap can drive you to a suicide gameplay. A carry can't kill himself for the Greater Good
  • A ranged carry (usually) has more than 400 Attack Range
  • She has a very poor Agility gain, compared to her other atributes
  • Her Damage Aura helps both ranged and melee units, so it can be better exploited by DPS allies
  • 39-53 is somewhat shitty to lasthit

